Tuesday, April 24, 2012

"v" is for volcano

once again i am so thankful that my children are not very discriminating!

M asked for a volcano for "V" week:
man, i love this kid--when i picked her up from school she said she loved it and told me that yes, it really looked like a volcano.  i was thinking maybe i should take this opportunity to discuss the merits of telling the truth, but i figured i shouldn't look a gift horse in the mouth...

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

veggie update and another tip

my "babies" are getting so big :)

ok, enough bragging ;)  on to one of my favorite tips:

i don't know about you, but i find a lot of recipes online--and that means either making sure i have my laptop on the kitchen counter, or i have to print them out.  and then throw them out.  and then find them and print them when i need them again. 

until i figured out a better way!  i got a three ring binder and some sheet protectors--such a simple thing!!  i only have to print out a recipe once--if i like it, it goes in the binder (and if i don't, it goes in the garbage!)  voila!  modern day recipe book :)

Monday, April 9, 2012

"v" is for veggie garden

M didn't have school last friday, and she was under the weather last wednesday...so it's no wonder that on the "first" day of spring break, we're already at each other's throats ;)

there actually wasn't a letter for school last week, but i was thinking that if there WAS a letter, it would have been "V"--and it just so happens that last week we started our own vegetable garden around here!  and i'm sort of unnaturally excited about it--as in, checking in on my "babies" many, many times a day excited ;)

i've been wanting to plant a vegetable garden for a while now, but i didn't know how and i have a black thumb, so i figured it wasn't in the cards.  but i also thought i could never make bread or crackers from scratch, and i've been doing that for a few months now, so i decided to try it out!

first we got some seeds...

planted them in biodegradable planting pods...

and placed them by a window. on very fancy folding tv trays...thankfully it's only temporary!!

and voila!!!!  this is less than 10 days!! 

you know, i have carried and birthed two babies--but this?  this is miraculous!!

so, so, SO proud of my little babies :) 

i'm figuring in about three months i'll never have to go to wegs again, right?!