Monday, February 27, 2012

"muffin tins" aren't just for muffins

surely you have heard of muffin tin meals--but just in case, i thought i'd introduce you.  especially b/c the girls didn't have school this week and in between playdates and errands we never did any fun lunches ;)

the idea of muffin tin meals is that you use a muffin tin instead of a "regular old plate" to serve your kids' meals--and you can add foods they've never eaten/would normally not eat and they'll gobble it up b/c it's in a muffin tin and not a "regular old plate".

yeah--my kids *might* eat something new if it's covered in chocolate, but even then there's no guarantee.  BUT, they do enjoy the occasional meal when their food comes in a muffin tin, and they may even eat more than they usually do so i consider it a useful tool.

here's a muffin tin dinner i served the girls a couple weeks ago:
starting at the top left and going clockwise there's: a piece of (whole grain) bread, a chicken finger (we keep kosher so it's actually a meat-free chicken finger, but you get the idea), strawberries, noodles, drink, and then the last slot held some of the ingredients that made up a salad the daddy who lunches and i were having--including hearts of palm, pine nuts, goat cheese, and edamame.  this was B's muffin tin--M's contained grapes in that slot b/c (despite the original goal of the muffin tin meal) she would shun the entire thing if those "weird" items were anywhere near her meal.  but by all means, use the muffin tin as a vehicle to introduce your kids to new food items if you think it will work ;)

have you ever served your kids a muffin tin meal?  did they eat new foods if you did?  let me know!

and as always, happy lunching (or dinner-ing)!

Thursday, February 16, 2012

"p" is for pajamas

yay!!!  M is healthy again!!!  and she's actually been to school and her other activities all week--whew!! 

now it's P week, and not only that, but M's fabulous teacher has decreed tomorrow "pajama day"--let me tell you there has been no shortage of M's excitement as she prepares to wear not only hello kitty pj bottoms but a frog pj top (frogs were her first love)!

so how could i resist making pjs for lunch?! 

polka dot pjs, no less :)

yes, of course it's pb&j (i can't wait until B takes a lunch to school, as she's a much more adventurous eater!) with cheddar polka dots. trying to get those polka dots to stay was sort of a project, so i'm crossing my fingers that they hang on until lunchtime!

in other news, today is a special day for me--i noticed that i have my first non-family/friend "follower"!!  i don't know who you are, but you have made my day!!  welcome, and i hope you enjoy our lunches!

happy lunching!

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

"valentine's day" is for love...

...the love this mommy who lunches, who is NOT a fan of valentine's day, has for the daddy who lunches--who is.

i would just assume ignore this "holiday"--except for the chocolate--i love the chocolate.  but since the daddy who lunches likes to celebrate, my new way of dealing with valentine's day is to have a "heart attack" for dinner:

the table

 the heart shaped quiche
the fruit
and, of course, the dessert

happy valentine's day to those who love it, and to the one i love :)

Monday, February 13, 2012

"o" is for octopus

i know, i know--i usually post on fridays and the tens of thousands of you reading this have spent the entire weekend wondering where i've been--i'm sorry!  not only was M still sick all this week as well as last, but B joined in too :(  so needless to say, it was a loooooong 11 (but who's counting?!) days in this house!

but don't you worry--we still celebrated "O" week in our usual fashion!  and the girls, who were finally on the mend by friday, did enjoy their octopus lunches--even though they had been eating like birds for the previous week or so

although M was thinking the apples were water (hey--not all water has to be blue--maybe it was SO clear it was...white?!) we decided that they were the sand in the water--b/c *clearly* the schools of fish swimming around the octopus and the strawberry "coral" were all in the water as well, right?!

thankfully everyone is healthy again and school and other activities have resumed--so don't be worrying about missing "P" week--i wouldn't dare!

happy lunching!

Friday, February 3, 2012

"n" is for nightgown

poor M is sick and home from school :(  but i couldn't let my loyal readers (hi mom!) down, so here's a nightgown for "n" week

it's a pb&j nightgown on a cheese cracker bed (with cheese headboard), grape pillows, a strawberry blanket, and a special treat on the "nightstand" :)

happy lunching!