Sunday, March 18, 2012

"s" is for sushi, and a tip

ok--the tip has nothing to do with "S" week, but i was thinking about it and i had a positive response to the muffin tin post (from people in "real life") so i thought maybe in addition to the girls' lunches, i'd start posting some tips i find useful, and whatever else i feel like talking about--hey, it's my blog, right?!

but first, "S" week--i had just been out with my girlfriends for sushi, and when i came home i remembered i still had to make M's lunch.  ugh. what to do, what to do...but wait!  sushi starts with "S"!!  and i can do that.  quickly.  so that i can put my sushi-stuffed self to bed.

i thought the cheese-stick "ginger" was a nice touch ;)  i sent some chopsticks in M's lunchbox with it too :)

apparently M's awesome teacher had the same idea b/c she brought in a toy sushi kit for "S" week--great minds think alike i guess!

speaking of great's my tip:  i keep a little magnetic pad on the fridge, and any time i think of something we need, or we use the last of something, i write it down on the paper so i don't forget to put it on my grocery list.  but here's the best part--before i leave the house, i sometimes take a pic of the list with my phone--that way if i get to the store unexpectedly, i have my list!  come on--before you roll your eyes and think "i can't believe i read this far and this is it?!"--how many times have you gotten to the grocery store and either forgot your list or lost it, or just didn't have it b/c you didn't realize you'd get to the store??  huh??  right.  you're welcome.

happy lunching!



  2. Hi There:

    Do you have an e-mail address so I can send you a private note?

    Many thanks.

  3. Sure-it's :)
