Friday, January 20, 2012

"k" is for kitty

hello kitty, that is

i have no idea how or when it started, but my 4 yr old (M) has a mild obsession with hello kitty.  most evenings in our house include printing out a hello kitty coloring page for her to color while i get dinner ready--while in hello kitty pjs and a hello kitty headband (her, not me)

so what else would i make for "k" week??  and if you're wondering why i wouldn't make it for "h" week, there's a very simple explanation:  it never really occurred to me to make a lunch corresponding to the letter of the week until "j" week.  so we start at "j"--maybe if anyone ever actually reads this i'll go back and think of something cute for "a" through "i" ;)

and in case you're wondering, that's a peanut butter and jelly sandwich cut into a cat's face, with raisin eyes, a nose made out of a piece of one of those rocketship-shaped goldfish crackers, slices of about one square of a hershey bar for the whiskers, and a homemade butterfly-shaped goldfish cracker (more on those to come later) for the bow.

happy lunching!


  1. Super cool! I'm a big fan of Mommy blogs!! Unique idea :-) Can't wait to see more!
